This Week in Trans News: Joe Biden Shows His Support

But he stumbled along the way

Katelyn Burns
3 min readOct 20, 2020
Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty

Transgender rights have yet to emerge as a major campaign focus in the presidential election, despite rumors that a large faction of conservatives wanted to use the issue to attack Democrats, according to an August POLITICO report. But after months of silence on the issue, trans rights finally received a bit of primetime spotlight.

At a presidential town hall hosted by ABC News last Thursday, a mom of a transgender girl asked Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden what steps he would take to reverse the Trump administration’s attacks on trans rights. Biden’s response was immediate and forceful.

“Flat out just change the law,” Biden said. “There should be zero discrimination.”

How the next administration will treat — and prioritize — trans issues is a key concern for the approximately 1.6 million trans adults and 700,000 trans minors in the US, especially given the last three and a half years of rollbacks from the Trump administration.



Katelyn Burns

Political journalist. The first openly trans Capitol Hill reporter in US history. Writing about more than just trans issues. Follow her on Twitter @transscribe