JK Rowling isn’t Salman Rushdie, obviously

Katelyn Burns
2 min readAug 31, 2022

A few weeks ago, author Salman Rushdie was viscously attacked on stage while giving a speech in western New York. His injuries were serious enough to land him in the hospital. The author, who was targeted with a fatwa issued by the ayatollah of Iran in 1989, has always been a brave truth teller, unafraid to speak the truth in the face of hostile state power.

In the aftermath of the Rushdie attack, gender critical feminists and the crew of usual cancel culture grifters rushed to fill the discourse void after the news first broke. Bizarrely, many of them tried to link the physical attack on Rushdie to the criticism faced by gender critical writer JK Rowling.

Rowling has garnered much attention for releasing tweets from anonymous Twitter accounts that threaten violence against her after she came out as a transphobe in 2019. None of the threatening accounts are prominent, and it would be impossible to verify if they are actual transgender people or not.

One anonymous account tweeted that she would be next after the Rushdie attack and police have launched an investigation into the tweet.

Her fans made a fuss over her “doxing” last year, after a trans person posted a selfie taken in front of her very famous castle on social media. Rowling is held up by the gender critical movement as the ultimate truth telling martyr, a total victim to the totalitarian trans rights movement who cannot tolerate dissent.



Katelyn Burns

Political journalist. The first openly trans Capitol Hill reporter in US history. Writing about more than just trans issues. Follow her on Twitter @transscribe