Incomplete Directory of Work by Ms. Katelyn Burns
A very tired but productive trans woman’s love and hard work
So I’ve decided to make a complete listing of everything that I’ve released publicly so far. I’ve found it harder and harder to find my own links and this will be a great way for me to link people to my work as well as quickly find my own articles when I need them.
An Open Letter to Gov. Greg Abbott — 4/30/16 — Medium
In which I write a letter to the governor of the second most populous state in the US with a conservative case against bathroom bills.
4/27/16–1 Mic With Big Mike
I was on 1 Mic with Big Mike to talk trans stuff and sports. I was nervous but it was fun. In case anyone was curious what my voice sound’s like, click the link.
England Has Already Lost — 4/15/16 — Unusual Efforts
My debut article for Unusual Efforts, a soccer publication that is owned, written, edited, and drawn by women, trans or cis and non-binary people. Here I skewer the English over their soccer hypocrisy.
Coming Out to My Mom Twice Nearly Killed Me, Saved My Life — 3/29/16 — Harlot Media
Trigger Warning: Suicide Discussion Here I explore my complicated history with mental health professionals, as well as my coming out to my mom twice 17 years apart.
Hate and Basketball — Why Michael Jordan Needs to Step Up — 3/25/16 — The Cauldron by Sports Illustrated
My piece for The Cauldron by Sports Illustrated on North Carolina’s HB2 bathroom bill and my childhood hero’s disappointing silence.
Secrets — 3/10/16 — The Laughing Lesbian
Originally appearing on Medium, the ladies over at The Laughing Lesbian were kind enough to republish it. I wrote this for my wife. It made me cry to write, it made her cry to read.
Hi, I Am a Woman — 3/8/16 — Medium
Written for International Women’s Day, in which I explore how it is that I know that I am a woman.
Fatness Makes the Joke Funnier — 2/28/16 —
Written for my friend Kiva Bay as part of her #BigBodyPosi series, in which I explore the harmful tropes of trans people and fat trans people in film and television.
We Are Aggressive Porcupines — 2/19/16 — Medium
Maybe my favorite piece that I’ve ever written. I discuss the every day reality of trans people and why we always seem so prickly as a group.
Brothering While Trans — 1/30/16 — Medium
Written to work through my feelings about my relationship with my brother before I came out to him, which I didn’t do for another 3 months. My family that has read it say that they were very moved by it.
Being Trans and the Importance of Online Spaces — 1/30/16 — Medium
I wouldn’t have survived as long as I have without the internet. Here’s my ode to all the online friends I’ve made over the years.
Being Trans in the Paradox of Sports — 1/23/16 — The Cauldron by Sports Illustrated
My most read story to date. In this piece, I explore my childhood obsession with sports, my internalized misogyny at that young age and the seemingly impossible dream of becoming the girl I knew myself to be. Also sports.
My Intersection with Being Trans and Fatphobia — 1/23/16 — Gender 2.0
The piece that launched it all. I wrote the draft for this and then sat on it for 2 weeks thinking it was terrible. I sent it to a friend who I think forgot about it for awhile. When I finally built up the courage to self publish it, it kind of took off. The response I received from it told me that maybe I wasn’t half bad at this writing thing.